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Chromium-containing Chalcedony is a rare green variety of the mineral. It is the same substance discovered close to the mining community of Mtoroshanga in Mashonaland West, Zimbabwe, known as "Mtorolite''. It is also known as "Chiquitanita'' because it originates in the Chiquitos Province, Bolivia. In the Roman Empire, chrome chalcedony was frequently used in jewellery and seals. It seems to have been used for the first time in the first century AD, and it seems to have stopped being used sometime in the second.
It is not clear how to obtain this knowledge. No deposits have ever been found in India, despite Pliny's assertion that they originated there. Since deposits are still reportedly present in Anatolia, modern-day Turkey, they may have their roots there. Chrome Chalcedony wasn't "rediscovered" until 1955, not far from the mining town of Mtorochanga in Zimbabwe.
Origin – Zimbabwe. Colour – Green. Category: Oxide mineral. Cuts – Slices. Treatment - Untreated 100 % Genuine Gemstone.